Artist Pamela Chipman Veni Vidi Vici
I was brought up in a generation where there were rapidly expanding views on what it meant to be a female in America. Along with changing attitudes came changing opportunities. No longer were our roles confined to beauty star, prostitute, nurse, teacher and mother.  With advancements in automation, refrigeration, and transportation, came liberation from the domestic duties that kept many women in the home. Now our battles are different. As we learn how to compete for equal opportunity, equal compensation, equal respect, and equal advancement, with our fathers, brothers, and partners.
 I want to pay tribute to the pioneering women who have put their lives on the line to move our communities forward by creating opportunity, justice, knowledge, art, and enlightenment for others.
My work is about finding our beauty, our strengths, our power and our grace, and inspiring future generations to continue to find solutions to the adversities that have plagued women throughout history.
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